Monday, January 26, 2015

My Plan For Duplication in SFI

My last post was about achieving duplication in an MLM business. In this post I am going to show the welcome message that I send to all my new affiliates in SFI that lays out the plan for duplication. After they have signed up as a new affiliate, this message is my welcome message to them on the affiliate website and I also email it to them because it is so important. Here it is:

Welcome New Affilate:
My name is Shawn. I am your SFI sponsor. Welcome to Team FastBuild. That's what we call our team at SFI. Let me start by saying that if you need help with anything, feel free to contact me. Beyond that, I wanted let you know that duplication is the key to success with this businesss or any other network marketing business. What I mean by that is that I have a system to help you do what I do and to help you get your personally sponsored affiliates to do the same, and so on , and so on. The whole system is included in this message and is designed to help you grow your network fast and inexpensively and to put money in your pocket in the quickest way possible.
An important part of this plan is that you copy and paste this message somewhere and use it as your automated welcome message to new affiliates that you sponsor. You can change my name to your name of course. Also send it as a regular message to every affiliate that you sponsor. This is important. It's part of the duplication process. Are you ready to hear what the system is? Okay, here it is:
1. You need 1500 VersaPoints (VP) to qualify as an Executive Affiliate. Executive Affiliate is the point where you qualify to share in the SFI Executive Pool and can start earning more money. You should go to and purchase the 10 Pack of PSA's (Personally Sponsored Affiliates) for $39.00. This will give you ten people sponsored personally by you. You will also get 455 VersaPoints for this purchase. So, you would need another 1045 VersaPoints to qualify as an Executive Affiliate. The good news is that you can get that many on the SFI Affiliate Website ( for free by simply completing actions in your To-Do List and the free Launchpad training series. Many of these actions take very little time and are worth 100 or more VersaPoints. This will easily qualify you for Executive Affiliate for the month. We will get to the next month in step #2. After you have purchased the ten PSA's, you send each of them a copy of this message through the messaging system at NOTE: If you don't want to bother with doing the tasks on the To-Do list at, you can go ahead and place a Standing Order of 125 T-Credits at That will put you well over the 1500 required VersaPoints to make you an Executive Affiliate. That brings us to step #2.
2. You have to qualify every month to maintain Executive Affiliate status. The absolute best and least expensive way to do this is to place a Standing Order at for the 125 T-Credits for $36.25. You get 1500 VersaPoints every month for this because you are purchasing the T-Credit's every month. It is the best “bang for your buck” as far as VersaPoints go. T-Credits can be used for many things at I recommend you look through it all at and That's it! It's a system for duplication that is easy, inexpensive, and puts you on the road to wealth fast because you and everybody sponsored underneath you are all copying and pasting this message to each new PSA you or someone underneath sponsors. Each new PSA is given this blueprint on how duplicate their efforts and have everybody sponsored below them doing the same. Also, a month or two later, if you have an extra $39 that you can spend, you can always buy more PSA's at and do the same thing all over again. I recommend only spending money that you can afford to spend though. You can also use the T-credits you are purchasing with your standing order to purchase new PSA's. Ten PSA's costs 260 T-credits, so after three months, you will have purchased enough T-credits to get ten more PSA's with 110 T-credits left over. Lastly, you can always spend more money at if you wish. I recommend it. Anytime you need to buy something, you should always look to see if it is available at TripleClicks first Whether it be a birthday gift, Christmas gifts, or just something for the home. It only makes since to buy it from your business if it available. Remember, copy and paste this message somewhere and save it because you will be sending it to all of your new affiliates. Thank you.
Team FastBuild

 If you want to participate in this duplication plan that absolutely works, please visit and signup. It's absolutely free to join and there is no requirement that you ever spend money. The duplication plan outline above would require that you spend a little money, but how many businesses do you know of that you can run for less than $40 per month? Give it a shot, and you will see that it works.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Duplication is the Key to Success in Any MLM / Network Marketing Business

Duplication is the key to making substantial money in any Network Marketing/MLM endeavor.  If you have been around the network marketing world very much, you have probably heard the term duplication.  But, for those of you who may not know what in the world I am talking about, I am talking about duplicating your efforts.  That means determining what you need to do with any particular network marketing business to be successful, and then getting those you personally sponsor and those underneath them to do the same.

So, How Do You Do It?

Determining what to do in order to be successful can be different from one MLM company to the next.  This article doesn't cover that.  Duplication, however, is achieved by creating a plan or strategy to get everybody doing the same thing and passing that plan down your downline.  You give the plan to those you sponsor.  They give it to those they sponsor, and so on, and so on.  As long as everybody, or at least some, are on board with the plan, duplication will happen.
There are no set rules to how many people you should sponsor personally.  There are, however, a few hard and fast rules to successful duplication.  Here they are:

1.  Keep It Simple - If you expect one person after another to follow your plan for duplication, it has to be simple.  It can't be complicated or convoluted.  The more simple it is, the easier it is to duplicate.

2.  Keep It Inexpensive - We all know there has to be money coming up your downline in order for you and those under you to make money in any MLM business, but it shouldn't break the bank of those participating.  The less your strategy for duplication costs, the more people in your downline that will participate.

3.  Stay In Touch With Your Downline - The first time someone you sponsors sees your plan for duplication, it may not click with them right away, and they may not follow the duplication strategy.  They may be new to MLM and not totally get it just yet.  So, occasionally contact them, without pestering them, and see if you can educate them on the importance of duplicating their efforts.  Also, giving your downline help and attention is one of the best ways to build your business.

That's it!  No more hard and fast rules.  It's pretty simple, but like any business, you will have to work a little.  It's very much worth it though.  If you want to see an example of a simple, inexpensive plan for duplication, please visit this website and signup.  I developed this plan and it works!  It's with a fantastic MLM company that is FREE to join, has been around for seventeen years and you never have to spend more than $40 per month on this duplication plan.  There is no requirement that you ever buy anything, but like I said in step number two above, there has to be money flowing up the downline for anyone to make money themselves.  The duplication strategy is revealed to you in a welcome message from me, your sponsor, on the affiliate website under the Alerts tab.  I also send the duplication plan in a personal message to each person I sponsor.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.